listen, listen, listen. you're right. why should i throw judgment for someone i'll never truly know? they're no me. i've not put on their socks. i've not bathed in her bathtub. i've not worn her clothes. i've not drank the water from her tap. i've not seen through her glasses. i've not used her earphones. i've not read her books. i've not watered her plants. i've not held her hand. i've not lived. we're lost. i'm lost for saying it myself! the way descartes says that he's an individual thought, how he's an isolated mind, how he thinks therefore he is, how he's a "pure individual" Cogito, ergo sum, Je pense, donc je suis, all of that nonsense. that doesn't exist, that's not true. he focuses on the thouht that people are points that are isolated from one another. that's not true. you are what is around you. everything you are, you have learned from others, and others learned that others also fro...