I doubt my writing abilities alot and the way I cope with it is not exactly healthy. I don't write for a while and do something else, it's something I'm working through. Ideally it'll be resolved just by pure action alone but I don't know how to get there. In any case, the first thing I should do is not worry about the output of my writing. The future steps, I'm not sure of yet. I should perhaps avoid writing when I'm tired, the last time I think I wrote well was when I was writing during the day, I might do that more.
I forget the whole reason I started writing and posting these is because I wanted to document my life. I keep on worrying about impressing other people that its become a setback for me. It's much easier to say "Don't worry about it." than to actually do it.
I need to be more casual about my writing. Even if I say that casualness is the tone I go for, I keep overthinking and overburdening myself. I want to feel more comfortable publishing something I don't see as "perfect", I don't want to think a piece to death.
The casual voice is something I really value as a writer. Being personal and intimate with your text makes it feel more like you wrote it yourself. I feel it comes off as more touching and compelling.
I don't want to forget why I write in the first place, if I ever do I might lose all authenticity. It's hard to place why I write, since it comes from so many different sources. Overall I say it's because it's fun. I love the act of creation and to me, words are my favorite medium.
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