

Missing a day or two of writing isn't breaking a streak. I realized that a few hours ago. Even though I haven't been doing them everyday (in the traditional sense), missing a day or two is still writing everyday. The only thing people consistently do everyday is piss. Rest days still count as part of that streak, as long as you continue to do what you're doing after that rest. Gym rats can workout five days a week and rest for two days, and those two rest days are just as important as those five days of workout. Stress your muscles constantly all the time and they'll eventually just give out on you.

When I ask people for advice on how to improve my writing I usually don't get the worst responses. No hate to them of course! I'm sure their heart is in the right place when they tell me what to do. It's just... most of the advice they give me doesn't really work for me. The best response I got when I asked for advice on how to improve my writing is "That's not for me to say. I like what I'm reading. Far be it from I to give feedback on something as personal as someone trying to find and form their voice. That's tantamount to me telling you how you need to speak and think. oppressive!" What I picked up from that is I'll find the improvements through living, writing, and reading. My friend has two rules he goes by when he writes, and they're both really contradictory. Rule 1: Simplify, simplify. Rule 2: Dig deeper. They sound like the rules I follow too... "They keep me focused. I ask myself, does this matter? What am I getting at? And I strip away and away." The only place I shouldn't follow any rules is in my diary, where I try to be as candid and pointless as possible.

I want my more formal, focused writing to be nothing but meat with no fat.

But being candid is surprisingly an impossible task. Trying to be profound is something I do subconsciously. I wish to be more carefree with my writing until it becomes a stream of consciousness piece.

I'll find my way somehow. I'm just a little boy in the world. There are more years to come.


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