
This school year has been particularly tiring. A myriad of work, swarms of people, insecurities. The days flash by quicker than a cheetah wearing nikes. Today, the final stretch of the first semester, we cleaned our classroom.

It looked uncanny given that we were very used to a dirty classroom ridden with dust and broken chairs, so seeing this new and improved cleaned room was definitely a surprise. 

It hasn't been a year since we've been here yet it feels most of us have made history in this simple room. 5 more months we're moving up, hopefully without succumbing to death, but I feel like that's an exaggeration.

I write all of this down to remember. There will come a time where I will only remember the feeling of everything and not experience it the same way. I guess that's fine, only looking at the past without moving forward won't do anything beneficial to your progress.

Tomorrow our semestral break starts, only lasting a week. I have no particular plans to do other than discover new music, finish Norwegian Wood, and play games. The usual pastime of the high school student, and there's nothing wrong with that. Complaining about other people's leisure only gives you pain in the long run, for you criticise what makes people happy, of course this has its limits but we won't talk about that today.

Right now I am laying on my bed. I am listening to Kagayaki by Masakatsu Takagi and it's a very pure musical project. I'm writing all of this on my phone while the music plays on my laptop. I just finished showering 5 hours ago and my towels are all dry. My shirt is white and my pants are a shade of dark gray.

I think about what could possibly happen this second semester, my hopes for the following months to come.

I want to write more to articulate my feelings to readers, I want to create, I want to finally write a song without any difficulty holding me back.

My dreams are becoming more clearer as I've been getting help for my own conflicts, writing down all of my dreams has been a neat trick for that. Even if the dreams can be silly at times, I want to remember them all. It's too fun to pass and even the most pointless are worthwile because it gives us joy and bring us all together.


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