Happy one year anniversary to Donda by Kanye West!
I have a hard time remembering dreams, does lack of sleep have anything to do with it? I haven't slept a proper 8 hours for a while, this could be the cause of my death but that's not my biggest concern. I want to remember my dreams so I can write about them in my blog. In all seriousness I should atleast try to sleep earlier, not only for the dreams but to atleast be well rested. I'll try my best to remember one detail from my dream tonight.
Lunch at school today was surprisingly not as bad at it usually was. It's like after I went to Caloocan High, Caloocan Science High felt they had to one up them. As soon as I took a bite, I didn't go to flavortown or anything. I felt a pleasant surprise. After months of decent food in the canteen, we finally get more-than-decent food for once. I know I sound like a spoiled brat here, but eating isn't really a fun time when the food doesn't meet your standards. I apologize profusely for any harm I may have caused here, they're doing their best every day to serve these students food and here I am complaining about it.
I want to go to the woods. The best life in my opinion is having a house near the woods, the fun part of it all is walking out of your house and there's a whole forest behind you. If I would ever have kids they could bring their friends there and play in the woods, just not too far in or they'll probably eat a poisonous mushroom or something. I want to go deep in the woods, lay out a picnic blanket, sit down on a log near a river, listen to birds and insects chatter and fly. I imagine it being realxing, soul refreshing.
I love the earth. I love the trees, the birds, gigantic spiders that crawl on the ground, large bugs and insects that startle me. I want to be with someone who understands that and wants the same as well.
Free time is the greatest thing in the universe. Being indulgent in matters that aren't important in the grand scheme of life is great as long as you can get yourself away when your mood gets worse, or feel like an addiction is forming. A productive life sounds desirable, but thinking about it for more than a second feels agonizing.
"Where would inspiration come from if I only created and never received?" - nah the butiki
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