Karlheinz Stockhausen's Aus den sieben Tagen is one of the best recordings of Modern classical music in modern history. The randomness of Indeterminacy can know no bounds when we're talking about Karlheinz Stockhausen.
The process of recording every single piece here was an arduous process. Being in the same room as Stockhausen as he was writing these would have been some of the most intense situations you could be in. Sitting in his room chopping up random notes on his tinkly winkly grand piano while recording them on small equipment like I don't know let's say a walkman back in the early 1970s I have no idea they must have had legendary recording equipment by then.
Trying to criticize what is not absolute, what is not organized is like trying to teach a lion how to not act the way it is.
This type of music is devoid of criticism and analysis. It's pointless, trying to do that is useless. Given that, it must be impossible for things like these to standalone like the way it is right?? Why would I be making this post if that were not the case. I would have been the biggest idiot or the smartest person on our sweet and green planet earth for me to do something like that.
No. I am but a small and teensy little man who sits down. This is what a toilet seat would sound like if it were ever aware of it's surroundings. What if it had a mind of its own????????? a terrifying thought.
What's the point? Why write about something so minor and so minuscule, the opposite of vital. I am a lunatic. but I am not as big a lunatic as Stockhausen was. A small percentage of that if you will... How so very German of stockhausen to do this. The process of arriving to this point share nothing in common with his early works. Such a silly guy he is, nothing matching up with his style so he just turns to indeterminacy like the little wee German lad that he is.Setting rules for his poor performances to follow oh how I wonder how he was like during recordings being there must have been a living hell!!!!!
It just sounds so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so amazing I cannot stress this enough!!!!!!!
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