t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 - 星間性交 (Seikan seikou)

 I'm very new to vaporwave, so there's always something new for me to fall in love with. Out of all the albums I've listened to so far, all of them have been nothing short of fantastic. 

The newest member to that club of beloved albums is the album 星間性交 (Seikan seikou) by t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者. I never thought that something would top my love for death's dynamic shroud - I'll Try Living Like This, atleast when we're talking about vaporwave. Yet this album takes the genre and turns it into its own beast. 

This was t e l e p a t h's final "great" album. The culmination of his amazing discography. 

Each track lives to the feeling of the album art, floating in the void, entering a state of bliss, soaIf you are a fan of vaporwave, or are new to the genre, this album is the perfect introduction. It's not the perfect example of everything the genre has to offer, it shows the capabilities of it.ring through the beautiful night sky like the lady in the cover.

Despite most of the tracks being long (sometimes surpassing the 20 minute mark), it all feels worthwhile. Not wasting any second, not putting any useless filler, 2 hours of vaporwave perfection.

If you are a fan of vaporwave, or are new to the genre, this album is the perfect introduction. It's not the perfect example of everything the genre has to offer, it shows the capabilities of it.


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