Gatekeeping in music? My thoughts.

 I can never understand the concept of musical gatekeeping.

Gatekeeping is a concept made since the beginning of time, it's not entirely a new thing.

Let's set the record straight.

You are mad because you don't want other people to discover your favourite artist so you can have a sense of superiority over the people who don't know said music.

Discovering new things, especially music is a magical experience. I have no idea why you'd want to strip that away from a person.

The best thing you can do so others can feel more welcome into the fanbase of said artist is to recommend them songs or albums from that artist. One of the joys of music is sharing it to other people, I'm sure that if the artist you support so hard saw your gatekeeping they would dislike you. 

Everyone has a starting point somewhere. You weren't born a fan of your favourite artists. 

You started somewhere too.


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